

Analysis of contract documentation and regulations, editing opinions, preparation of substantive arguments read more

we offer technical and formal advice in various aspects of passive and active fire protection

depending on the needs, we represent our Customers or assist in legal disputes


Preparation of the concept and assumptions of fire protection system – preparation of the description of the installation and its interaction with other systems and devices read more

preparation of a construction project in the field of fire protection including passive and active fire protection

in industry facilities, the scope also includes preparation of explosion risk assessment

preparation of detailed design, detailed plans, installation description and device list – development of guidelines for other accompanying ranges, such as the construction scope for pumping stations, electric scope, system monitoring


Coordination of inter-branch assembly works in the field of fire protection and related scopes read more

we organize and plan assembly works on the construction site in order to achieve quality and respect deadlines

we also provide coordination of works of all fire protection zones (detection, controlling, extinguishing) as well as coordination of related areas such as construction works, power supply of equipment, construction of pumping stations and tanks

A short analysis allows the Customer to know the actual state of threats, documentation compliance status with the applicable regulations and effectiveness of the installed fire-fighting equipment. This first step is performed free of charge. It allows to suggest appropriate solutions and form of cooperation. Regardless of the decision on starting the cooperation, we provide the Customer with a preliminary analysis of the actual state of its needs.